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For the best Big Boyz experience:
You gotta remove the foil.
Stick the burger in the microwave for just 15 seconds.
Your Big Boyz Burger is ready!
Your Big Boyz Feast may have cooled during transport.
For the best experience, we recommend that you reheat your feast.
Preheat your oven to 180°C degrees.
Place your feast in the oven. You may leave it in the foil tray with the foil cover on.
Heat it up for no longer than 15 minutes.
Remove foil cover and serve.
Thaw hot dog bun till it is at room temperature. Start off by cooking the gourmet sausage first as per the instructions under Gourmet Sausages. Towards the end of the cooking process of the sausage, you should then start preparing the bun as below.
Use a knife to make a slit through the center of the bun. Be careful to cut only about â…“ way down through the bun.
Butter the insides of the bun with 1 tbsp of unsalted butter.
Sprinkle evenly 1 tbsp shredded cheese into the bun.
Heat a pan over a low flame and place the bun slit side down for 20 secs. Be careful the contents don't spill out, but it's ok if some do. Continue to cook the bun for 20 secs on each side.
Remove bun from pan and place on a bread rack. Evenly spoon 1 tbsp of The Food Company’s Onion Compote into the bun.
Use a squeeze bottle to pipe a line of The Food Company’s Homemade Mayonnaise onto one side of the sausage. Pipe another sauce of your choice on the other side (it can be more mayo too!). We suggest you use The Food Company’s Housemade Honey Mustard or Garlic Chili Aioli for the best hot dogs.
Serve and enjoy!
Thaw burger bun till it is at room temperature.
Start off by cooking the burger patties first as per the instructions under Burger Patties. Towards the end of the cooking process of the patty, you should then start preparing the bun as below.
Use a knife to cut through the centre of the bun. The top bun should be very slightly thicker than the bottom bun.
Butter the insides of the buns with 1 tsp of unsalted butter each.
Heat a pan over a low flame and place the buns buttered side down for 50-60 secs. Be sure to cook the buns till really crispy and golden brown. Careful not to burn and do NOT cook the unbuttered sides.
Remove buns from the pan and place on a bread rack. Evenly spoon 1 tbs of The Food Company’s Housemade Mayonnaise onto the bottom and top bun. Put 1 slice of cheddar cheese onto the bottom bun.
Place the cooked burger patty onto the cheese and then add another slice of cheese onto the patty. Evenly spoon 1 tbs of The Food Company’s Onion Compote onto the cheese, cover it with the top bun and serve!
Fully thaw tomato passata, ultra thin pizza crust, frozen toppings (if any) in the chiller overnight. You can also power thaw products in unpunctured vacuum packs by immersing them in cool running water. Do NOT thaw pizza crust under running water.
Start off with a pizza base. Use a spatula to spread 3-4 tbs of tomato passata over the entire base from coast to coast.
Sprinkle 100g of mixed cheese over the entire surface, again covering coast to coast.
Slice fresh mozzarella cheese balls into ¼” slices and scatter them evenly over the entire base as desired.
Scatter your toppings of choice evenly around the base. To your liking, you may also add sliced onions, pineapple chunks, and any other toppings that can go into the oven now.
If you have any herbs or spices that you wish to sprinkle over the pizza, you may also do so now. Do not use too much (not more than 1 tsp) as herbs and spices can overpower the delicate flavours of a pizza. Good choices are smoked paprika, mixed herbs & oregano, all of which you can get from The Food Company.
Very carefully lift the pizza and place onto a middle rack of an oven preheated to 220°C with radiant heat the top and bottom heating coils. Cook for 8-12mins till the cheese is fully melted while ensuring it is not burnt.
Remove pizza from the oven and place on a serving platter. Use a knife to cut pizza into 8 equal pieces. Serve hot!
Pan frying:​
Thaw sausages in the chiller overnight till soft. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water- do not defrost in microwave
Heat up an oiled pan over medium flame on a non-stick pan and cook sausages for 2 mins on each side. Be gentle with the sausages to prevent them from breaking.
At the end, turn the heat up to high and cook sausages a further 30 secs on each side till golden brown.
Sausages are cooked when they are semi firm to the touch and start spouting semi-clear liquid. Liquid from chicken sausages must be clear.
Do not puncture or poke holes in sausage skin while cooking.
​Air Fryer:
Thaw sausages in the chiller overnight till soft. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Preheat the air fryer to 180°C until the light goes off.
Cook sausages for 6 minutes in the air fryer.
No oil needed for cooking in the air fryer.
Do not puncture or poke holes in sausage skin while cooking.
Thaw sausages in the chiller overnight till soft. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Oil the grill so the sausages don't stick on the grill.
Place sausage on medium fire but not direct fire.
Cook for 2 minutes each side. Do not turn the sausages too often.
Place sausages on high heat for 1½ minutes to finish cooking.
Do not puncture or poke holes in sausage skin while cooking.
Thaw sausages in the chiller overnight till soft. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Preheat the oven for 10 minutes to 180°C with radiant heating coming from the top and bottom heating coils of the oven.
Separate sausages from each other on a lightly oiled baking tray - 2 inches apart.
Cook for 7 minutes and immediately take out from the oven and cool at room temperature to prevent further cooking.
Pan frying :
Thaw burgers in the chiller overnight. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Heat up an oiled pan over a high flame on a non stick pan and cook burgers for 1 ½ - 2 ½ mins on each side, flipping the burgers over ONLY once. If you prefer to have a Well Done burger, lower the flame to low and continue cooking another 1 - 1 ½ mins on each side.
Be very gentle with the burgers to prevent them from breaking. Never use a spatula to press down on the burger as this will release all the delicious juices in it.
Air Fryer :
Thaw patties in the chiller overnight till soft. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Preheat air fryer to 180°C until light goes off.
Lightly brush oil or butter on patties.
Cook patties for 6 minutes in air fryer.
Do not puncture or poke holes in patties while cooking.
Oven :
Thaw patties in the chiller overnight till soft. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Lightly brush some oil on the patties.
Preheat the oven for 10 minutes to 180°C with radiating heat coming from the top and bottom heating coil of the oven.
Separate patties from each other on a baking tray - 2 inches apart.
Cook for 7 minutes and immedietely take out from oven and cool in room temperature to prevent further cooking.
Barbeque :
Oil the grill so the patties don't stick on grill
Place patties on medium fire but not direct fire.
Cook for 2 minutes each side. Do not turn patties until 2 minutes.
Do not squeeze the patties on the grill while cooking as the juice will drip out.
Pan frying :​
- Thaw meatballs in the chiller overnight till slightly cold. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water- do not defrost in microwave
- Do not press against meatball with spatula
Heat up a non stick pan with 2 tablespoon of oil over medium-high heat and add meatball one by one with 15 seconds interval. Cook meatballs for 2 mins on each side. Be gentle with the meatball to prevent them from breaking.
At the end, turn the heat up to high and shake the pan to let the meatballs roll around. Cook for another 2 minute.
Do not press against meatball with spatula.
Air Fryer :
Thaw meatballs in the chiller overnight till soft. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Preheat air fryer - 180°C until light goes off.
Cook meatballs for 5 minutes in air fryer.
No oil is needed for cooking in air fryer.
Do not press against meatball with spatula.
Barbeque :
Thaw meatballs in the chiller overnight till soft. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Oil the grill so the meatballs don't stick on grill.
Place meatballs on medium fire but not direct fire.
Cook for 2 minutes each side. Do not turn the meatballs too often.
Place meatballs on high heat for 1½ minutes to finish cooking.
Do not press against meatball with spatula.
Oven :
Thaw meatballs in the chiller overnight till soft. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Preheat the oven for 10 minutes - 180°C with radiant heating coming from the top and bottom heating coil of the oven.
Separate meatballs from each other on a baking tray - 2 inches apart.
Cook for 6 minutes and immedietely take out from oven and cool in room temperature to prevent further cooking.
Pan frying :
Fully thaw kebabs in the chiller overnight. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Heat up an oiled pan over a high flame and cook kebabs for 2 mins on each side on a medium-high heat. Flip the kebab only once for each side.
Do not move the kebab around the pan.
Be very gentle with the kebab to prevent them from breaking.
Air Fryer :
Thaw kebabs in the chiller overnight till soft. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Preheat air fryer to 180°C until light goes off.
Lightly brush oil or butter on kebabs.
Cook kebabs for 5 minutes in air fryer.
Oven :​
Thaw kebabs in the chiller overnight till soft. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Lightly brush oil on kebab.
Preheat the oven for 10 minutes to 180°C with radiant heating coming from the top and bottom heating coil of the oven.
Separate kebabs from each other on a baking tray - 2 inches apart.
Cook for 6 minutes and immediately take out from oven and cool in room temperature to prevent further cooking.
Barbeque :​
Thaw kebabs in the chiller overnight till soft. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Oil the grill so the kebabs don't stick on grill
Place kebabs on medium fire but not direct fire.
Cook for 2½ minutes each side. Do not turn patties until 2½ minutes.
Cook for a total of 5 minutes and immediately take out from grill and cool in room temperature to prevent further cooking.
Pan Heating :
Pour gravy onto a non heated pan and add water - quarter of a teacup per bottle of soup / 100ml of water.
Heat the pan with a medium high heat for about 4 minutes.
After 4 minutes of heating, stir your soup to mix the soup well.
Turn the heat off, you are looking for a light creamy consistency in the soup.
Put soup in a bowl and you’re ready to serve!
Pan Frying :
Thaw packet in the chiller overnight. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Heat an oiled non stick pan over a medium flame till slightly smoking.
Place meat onto pan skin side down. There must be a sizzle when this is done to ensure a well crusted meat.
Cook for 4 mins each side.Total cooking time should be 8 minutes.
Allow chicken to rest for 5 minutes before eating.
Oven :​
Thaw packet in the chiller overnight. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Preheat the oven for 10 minutes - 180°C with radiant heating coming from the top and bottom heating coil of the oven.
Place chicken skin side down.
Separate chicken from each other on a baking tray - 2 inches apart.
No turning is required.
Cook for 10 minutes and immediately take out from oven and cool in room temperature to prevent further cooking.
Allow chicken to rest for 5 minutes before eating.
Air Fryer :​
Thaw packet in the chiller overnight. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Preheat air fryer - 180°C until light goes off.
Place chicken skin side down.
Cook for 9 minutes in air fryer.
Immediately take out after 9 minutes to prevent further cooking.
Allow chicken to rest for 5 minutes before eating.
Barbeque :
Thaw packet in the chiller overnight. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Oil the grill so the chicken don't stick on grill.
Place chicken on medium fire but not direct fire.
Cook for 5 minutes each side. Do not turn the chicken until 5 minutes.
Cook for a total of 10-11 minutes and immediately take out from grill and cool in room temperature to prevent further cooking.
Allow chicken to rest for 5 minutes before eating.
Pan Frying :
Thaw packet in the chiller overnight. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Heat an oiled non stick pan over a medium flame till slightly smoking.
Place meat on to pan skin side down. There must be a sizzle when this is done to ensure a well crusted meat.
Cook for 5½ mins each side.Total cooking time should be 11 minutes.
Allow chicken to rest for 5 minutes before eating.
Oven :​
Thaw packet in the chiller overnight. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Preheat the oven for 10 minutes - 180°C with radiant heating coming from the top and bottom heating coil of the oven.
Place chicken skin side down.
Separate chicken from each other on a baking tray - 2 inches apart.
No turning is required.
Cook for 12 minutes and immediately take out from oven and cool in room temperature to prevent further cooking.
Allow chicken to rest for 5 minutes before eating.
Air Fryer :​
Thaw packet in the chiller overnight. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Preheat air fryer - 180°C until light goes off.
Place chicken skin side down.
Cook for 12 minutes in air fryer.
Immediately take out to prevent further cooking.
Allow chicken to rest for 5 minutes before eating.
Barbeque :
Thaw packet in the chiller overnight. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Oil the grill so the chicken don't stick on grill
Place chicken on medium-high fire but not direct fire.
Cook for 5 minutes each side. Do not turn the chicken until 5 minutes.
Cook for a total of 10-11 minutes and immediately take out from grill and cool in room temperature to prevent further cooking.
Allow chicken to rest for 5 minutes before eating.
Oven :​
Thaw packet in the chiller overnight. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Preheat the oven for 10 minutes - 180°C with radiant heating coming from the top and bottom heating coil of the oven.
Separate chicken from each other on a baking tray - 2 inches apart.
Allow chicken to rest for 5 minutes before eating.
Air Fryer :​
Thaw packet in the chiller overnight. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Preheat air fryer - 180°C until light goes off.
Cook for 10 minutes in air fryer.
Do not puncture the chicken while cooking.
Immediately take out after 10 minutes to prevent further cooking.​​
Barbeque :
Thaw packet in the chiller overnight. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Spray cooking oil onto the grill.
Place chicken down onto the grill over medium heat and cook each side for 5 minutes. Flip over again and cook for 1-2 minutes more on high flames till golden brown.Total cooking time should not exceed 13 minutes.
Remove from grill and serve.​
Pan Frying:
Thaw packet in the chiller overnight. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Heat an oiled non stick pan over a medium flame till slightly smoking.
Place meat on to pan. There must be a sizzle when this is done to ensure a well crusted meat.
Cook around 3 ½ minutes on each side and then repeat. Total cooking time should be between 7-8 minutes.
Oven :
Thaw packet in the chiller overnight. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Separate lamb from each other on a baking tray - 2 inches apart.
Preheat the oven to 180°C . Place meat onto a well oiled tray and cook for 11 minutes. Turn meat over halfway through the cooking process.
Serve hot!
Air Fryer :​
Thaw packet in the chiller overnight. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Preheat air fryer - 180°C until light goes off.
Cook for 9 minutes in air fryer.
Do not puncture the meat while cooking.
Immediately take out after 9 minutes to prevent further cooking.​​
Thaw packet in the chiller overnight. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Spray cooking oil onto the grill.
Place meat onto the grill over medium heat and cook for 4 mins. Flip over and cook another 4 minutes. Total cooking time should not exceed 8 mins
Remove from grill and serve!
Pan Frying:
Thaw packet in the chiller overnight. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Heat an oiled non stick pan over a medium flame till slightly smoking.
Place meat on to pan. There must be a sizzle when this is done to ensure a well crusted meat.
Cook around 3 minutes on each side and then repeat. Total cooking time should be between 6 minutes.
Air Fryer :​
Thaw packet in the chiller overnight. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Preheat air fryer - 180°C until light goes off.
Lightly brush oil over the meat.
Cook for 6 minutes in air fryer.
Do not puncture the meat while cooking.
Immeditely take out after 6 minutes to prevent further cooking.​​
Oven :
Thaw packet in the chiller overnight. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Lightly brush oil over the meat.
Preheat the oven to 180°C. Place meat onto a well oiled tray and cook for 8 minutes.
Separate chicken from each other on a baking tray - 2 inches apart.
Serve hot!
Thaw packet in the chiller overnight. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Spray cooking oil onto the grill.
Place meat onto the grill over medium heat and cook for 4 minutes. Flip over and cook another 4 mins. Total cooking time should not exceed 8 minutes
Remove from grill and serve!
Pan Frying:
Thaw packet in the chiller overnight. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Heat an oiled non stick pan over a medium flame till slightly smoking.
Place meat on to pan. There must be a sizzle when this is done to ensure a well crusted meat.
Cook around 3 minutes on each side and then repeat. Total cooking time should be between 6 minutes.
Air Fryer :​
Thaw packet in the chiller overnight. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Preheat air fryer - 180°C until light goes off.
Ensure your meat is fully thawed in the chiller (if kept frozen).
Cook for 7 minutes in air fryer.
Do not puncture the meat while cooking.
Immediately take out to prevent further cooking.​​
Oven :
Thaw packet in the chiller overnight. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Lightly brush oil over the meat.
Preheat the oven to 180°C. Place meat onto a well oiled tray and cook for 8 minutes.
Separate chicken from each other on a baking tray - 2 inches apart.
Serve hot!
Barbeque :
Thaw packet in the chiller overnight. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Ensure your marinated meat is fully thawed in the chiller (if kept frozen).
Spray cooking oil onto the grill.
Place meat onto the grill over medium heat and cook for 3 mins. Flip over and cook another 3 minutes. Total cooking time should not exceed 6 minutes
Remove from grill and serve!
Pan Frying:
Thaw packet in the chiller overnight. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Heat an oiled non stick pan over a medium flame till slightly smoking.
Place meat on to pan. There must be a sizzle when this is done to ensure a well crusted meat.
Cook around 3 ½ minutes on each side and then repeat. Total cooking time should be between 7-8 minutes.
Oven :
Thaw packet in the chiller overnight. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Preheat the oven to 180°C . Place meat onto a well oiled tray and cook for 11 minutes. Turn meat over halfway through the cooking process.
Serve hot!
Air Fryer :​
Thaw packet in the chiller overnight. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Preheat air fryer - 180°C until light goes off.
Cook for 9 minutes in air fryer.
Do not puncture the meat while cooking.
Immediately take out after 9 minutes to prevent further cooking.​​
Thaw packet in the chiller overnight. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Spray cooking oil onto the grill.
Place meat onto the grill over medium heat and cook for 4 mins. Flip over and cook another 4 mins. Total cooking time should not exceed 8 mins
Remove from grill and serve!
Shallow Frying :
Thaw packet in the chiller overnight. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Heat up a good amount of cooking oil in a non stick pan over a low-medium heat. There should be enough oil to at least submerge the cake half way.
Please note that the filling of this fish cake is already cooked.
Cook fish cakes for 3 mins on each side on a medium-high heat. Flip the fish cake only once for each side.
Drain excess oil using a kitchen towel and serve with The Food Company’s Garlic Chili Aioli.
From frozen state, immerse cakes in oil and cook for 1 ½ mins on each side.
Air Fryer :​
Thaw packet in the chiller overnight. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Preheat air fryer to 180°C until light goes off.
Lightly brush or spray oil on fish cakes.
Cook for 6 minutes in air fryer.
Please note that the filling of this fish cake is already pre-cooked.
Immediately take out after 6 minutes to prevent further cooking.
Deep Frying :
Thaw packet in the chiller overnight. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Pre heat up your deep fryer for 5 minutes or until hot.
Submerge fish cake in deep fryer for 6 minutes.
After 6 minutes immedietely take out to cool and prevent further cooking.
Drain excess oil using a kitchen towel and serve with The Food Company’s Garlic Chili Aioli.
Oven :​
Thaw packet in the chiller overnight. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Preheat the oven for 10 minutes to 180°C with radiant heating coming from the top and bottom heating coil of the oven.
Spray oil on the fish cakes.
Separate fish cakes from each other on a baking tray - 2 inches apart.
Cook for 10 minutes and immediately take out from oven and cool in room temperature to prevent further cooking
Shallow Frying :​
Thaw packet in the chiller overnight. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Heat up a good amount of cooking oil in a non stick pan over a medium-high heat. There should be enough oil to at least submerge the cake half way.
Please note that the filling of this crab cake is already cooked.
Cook crab cakes for 3 mins on each side on a medium-high heat. Flip the crab cake only once for each side.
Drain excess oil using a kitchen towel and serve with The Food Company’s Garlic Aioli.
From frozen state, immerse cakes in oil and cook for 2 ½ mins on each side.
Air Fryer :​
Thaw packet in the chiller overnight. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Preheat air fryer to 180°C until light goes off.
Lightly brush or spray oil on crab cakes.
Cook for 8 minutes in air fryer.
Please note that the filling of this crab cake is already pre-cooked.
Immediately take out after 8 minutes to prevent further cooking.
Deep Frying :
Thaw packet in the chiller overnight. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Pre heat up your deep fryer for 5 minutes or until hot.
Submerge crab cake in deep fryer for 6 minutes.
After 6 minutes immediately take out to cool and prevent further cooking.
Drain excess oil using a kitchen towel and serve with The Food Company’s Garlic Aioli.
Oven :​
Thaw packet in the chiller overnight. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Preheat the oven for 10 minutes to 180°C with radiant heating coming from the top and bottom heating coil of the oven.
Spray oil on the cakes on a baking tray.
Separate cakes from each other - 2 inches apart.
Cook for 10 minutes and immediately take out from oven and cool in room temperature to prevent further cooking.
Shallow Frying :
Thaw packet in the chiller overnight. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Heat up a good amount of cooking oil in a non stick pan over a low-medium heat. There should be enough oil to at least submerge the cake half way.
Please note that the filling of this nugget is already cooked.
Cook it for 3 mins on each side on a medium-high heat. Flip the nugget only once for each side.
Drain excess oil using a kitchen towel and serve with The Food Company’s Garlic Chili Aioli.
From frozen state, immerse cakes in oil and cook for 1 ½ mins on each side.
Air Fryer :​
Thaw packet in the chiller overnight. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Preheat air fryer to 180°C until light goes off.
Lightly brush or spray oil on the nuggets.
Cook for 6 minutes in air fryer.
Please note that the filling of this nugget is already pre-cooked.
Immediately take out after 6 minutes to prevent further cooking.
Deep Frying :
Thaw packet in the chiller overnight. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Pre heat up your deep fryer for 5 minutes or until hot.
Submerge nuggets in deep fryer for 6 minutes.
After 6 minutes immediately take out to cool and prevent further cooking.
Drain excess oil using a kitchen towel and serve with The Food Company’s Garlic Chili Aioli.
Oven :​
Thaw packet in the chiller overnight. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Preheat the oven for 10 minutes to 180°C with radiant heating coming from the top and bottom heating coil of the oven.
Spray oil on the nuggets.
Separate nuggets from each other on a baking tray - 2 inches apart.
Cook for 10 minutes and immediately take out from oven and cool in room temperature to prevent further cooking.
Shallow Frying :​
Thaw packet in the chiller overnight. You can also power thaw by immersing the unpunctured vacuum pack in cool running water.
Heat up a good amount of cooking oil in a pan over a low-medium heat. There should be enough oil to at least submerge the meat half way.
Cook meat for 3-4 mins on each side on a medium-high heat. Flip the meat only once for each side.
Drain excess oil using a kitchen towel and serve with The Food Company’s Garlic Aioli.
Oven :
Thaw garlic bread to room temperature.
If baguette was frozen, we recommend to thaw it to room temperature as well.
Take off cling film and place in oven and bake for 3 minutes or till crispy and golden.
Air Fryer :
Thaw garlic bread to room temperature.
Preheat air fryer - 180°C until light goes off.
Take off cling film and cook for 6 minutes in air fryer.
Immediately take out after 6 minutes to prevent further cooking.
Barbeque :
Thaw garlic bread to room temperature.
Take off cling film and wrap baguette in aluminum foil.
Place baguette onto the grill over medium heat and cook for 6 minutes. Flip over and cook another 6 minutes.
Remove from grill and serve!
The flavour profile of Mesquite Spice is a smoky sweet paprika flavour. It is perfect for any meat marinations as it has several herbs and spices fit to cook straight away. We highly recommend marinating lamb, beef, and chicken with it. This dry rub can be pan fried, grilled, baked and also air fried.
Marination steps :
Add meats into a large mixing bowl
Prepare your marination in a separate bowl. We recommend, 3 tbsp of cooking oil, 3 tbsp of water and 3 pinches of salt, per kilo of meat.
Add half a bottle of spice and mix well.
Add the marination to the meat and massage well.
For best results, let the marination rest for at least 30 minutes and you're ready to cook.
The flavour profile of this spice is a smoky and sweet taste. Cherokee spice is best suited with seafood and we mean ANY seafood. Throw it in a seafood medley of fish, prawn, crab, squid and clams! You name it, it will be delicious. This dry rub can be pan fried, grilled, baked and also air fried. We recommend grilling it with broccoli and corn on the cob.
Marination steps :
Add seafood into a large mixing bowl
Prepare your marination in a separate bowl. We recommend, 3 tbsp of cooking oil, 3 tbsp of water and 3 pinches of salt, per kilo of meat.
Add half a bottle of spice and mix well.
Add the marination to the meat and massage well.
For best results, let the marination rest for at least 30 minutes and you're ready to cook.
This unique spice is enhance the flavour of food. It has a umami filled flavour profile and is slighty salty. Goreng-goreng spice is mainly used to sprinkle on after frying food. It can also be shaken and tossed in a mixing bowl of your favourite fried goodies! We recommend sprinkling it over fried chicken and fried vegetables.
This spice is the perfect marination for all your seafood favourites. We have created and mixed in several spices in this rub for you to easily marinate any seafood in seconds! This dry rub can be pan fried, grilled, baked and also air fried. We recommend grilling it with broccoli and corn on a cobb.
Marination steps :
Add seafood into a large mixing bowl
Prepare your marination in a separate bowl. We recommend, 3 tbsp of cooking oil, 3 tbsp of water and 3 pinches of salt, per kilo of meat.
Add half a bottle of spice and mix well.
Add the marination to the meat and massage well.
For best results, let the marination rest for at least 30 minutes and you're ready to cook.
Our homemade chimichurri sauce has a refreshing and tangy taste with a blend of fresh herbs, garlic and lemon. This chimichurri sauce is flexible as it can be used as a sauce and a meat marinade as well. We highly recommend pairing it with chicken and beef.
Marination steps :
Add meats into a large mixing bowl
Prepare your marination in a separate bowl. We recommend, 3 tbsp of cooking oil, 3 tbsp of water and 3 pinches of salt, per kilo of meat.
Add half a bottle of chimichurri and mix well.
Add the marination to the meat and massage well.
For best results, let the marination rest for at least 30 minutes and you're ready to cook.
Our homemade Gunpowder Butter is a blend of spicy savoury and umami butter that's infused with curry leaves to kick off the extra wow factor! This spread is perfect for breads and rotis. We recommend pairing it with a grilled cheese sandwich and even on its own with your choice of bread for a classic toast.